「in recent memory」の意味と「for the first time in recent memory」の使い方




in recent memory の意味


in recent memory」を直訳すると「最近の記憶では」です。







This is one of my favorite Ronaldo's goal in recent memory.








上記の例文のような「one of my favorite ~ in recent memory」の形や、「the best」と組み合わせて使われているのをよく見かけます。



for the first time in recent memory の意味


for the first time in recent memory」という表現もあります。





考え方は「for the first time in 3 years」が「3年ぶりに」になるのと同様です。





in recent memory の例文


His performance was one of the best I've seen in recent memory.





Here's to one of my favorite FPS games in recent memory.





He held the biggest party in recent memory.





For the first time in recent memory, I slept at a normal time.





For the first time in recent memory, my mother called me.





One of the best Fridays in recent memory.





In spite of the rainy weather, movie fans packed theaters for the biggest box-office week in recent memory.




(引用:速読速聴・英単語 STANDARD 1800 ver.2 P254)