by a factor of の意味と使い方
「by a factor of ~」の意味は「~倍」です。
「by a factor of 10」なら「10倍」になります。
例えば、「increase by a factor of 10」は「10倍に増加する」です。
しかし、「decrease by a factor of 10」になると「10分の1に減少する」という意味になります。
このように、by a factor of は増減を表す動詞とよく組み合わされて使われます。
by a factor of の例文
The economy expanded by a factor of 15 since 1990.
His reading scores have surged by a factor of 5.
Homelessness and hunger are up by a factor of three.
How to improve life by a factor of 20.
CO2 emissions have decreased by a factor of 3.
The risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease was reduced by a factor of four.
The population of the city has increased by a factor of three in the last decade.
the reading scores have nearly doubled, and the math scores have surged by a factor of 20.
(引用:速読速聴・英単語 Core1900 ver.5 p84)